Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 57

Choosing a grow media that has been tested in the lab and in the growing house can help inform a wise choice . For example , Goldman recently tested a mineral wool growing media to evaluate its results not just in pristine lab-controlled conditions , but also when pushed in challenging conditions representative of real-world grow houses . “ As we tested a new mineral wool growing media in a long-running facility , we saw the highest yield to date ,” he says .
According to Goldman , much of the inconsistency affecting growers ’ harvests can be traced to a lack of standards and education in the industry . “ The standards that inform efficiency and consistency in commercial agriculture just aren ’ t in our industry yet and a lack of resources can affect every aspect of cultivation ,” he says . He adds that all too frequently , new growers turn to the social media community for growing advice . A better approach is to choose a supplier with a customer service support team that understands the product and its proper usage in growing conditions . Education should start with prepping the material as every product will benefit from proper preparation . For growers in America , it ’ s also important to select a grow media supplier with an accessible customer support team that is available during business hours . Choosing a product produced and sourced domestically can provide additional peace of mind , especially during a time of supply chain disruptions .

While some growers might argue that extra media provides more of a buffer , once fertigation is automated , less buffer is needed .”
Scaling up operations is another example of where education comes into play when selecting growing media . For example , a home grower can ’ t simply extrapolate a model when scaling up to a commercial level . Partnering with a supplier who understands both the business management and economics as well as the science can help growers navigate the leap from homegrown to commercial scale .
Don ’ t overlook the staff time required to fill pots and mix loose media . Even with automated filling systems , labour requirements tend to be higher with heavier growing media . Manual functions such as cutting holes into the sealed slab when transitioning plants to a flower room can require additional time and tools . Some new options in growing media allow growers to simply soak the growing media , without any additional effort required . Not only does this reduce labour hours , but it can reduce the opportunity for errors .
Craveiro notes the material composition of some media contributes to its handling profile and can reduce stress on workers . For example , a lightweight option like mineral wool can place less of a lift burden on employees .
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