Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 56




8Optimizing consistency , boosting efficiency , and supporting

plant quality have never been more important as growers work to reduce risk and improve profitability in a volatile market .

to Optimize Control and Reduce Risk

by Tom Blaine , photos by Daniel Craveiro
ontrol ” is an elusive objective , particularly when it comes

“ Cto cultivation . From supply chain disruptions to volatile market prices to invasive pathogens , a variety of factors threaten growers ’ harvests . And while controlling quality , consistency , and plant performance is a challenge across the horticultural landscape , managing these attributes can become even more complex when seeking to scale up and commercialize operations . Ron Goldman , Vice President Innovation and Commercial Solutions at Hydrobuilder Holdings , has worked in the commercial agriculture space for more than 30 years and notes that improving control to boost outcome — even in challenging market conditions — largely comes down to efficiency . “ The growers who figure out how to be the best in terms of efficiency are the ones who will be in business for a long time ,” Goldman says . Applying an efficient production strategy to all aspects of cultivation including plant genetics , housing , lighting , and irrigation can help improve growers ’ control . But one area of opportunity to boost control is literally ground zero for improving production efficiency — the choice of growing media . By carefully evaluating grow media options , growers can make a choice that supports a greater level of control , harvest after harvest . In today ’ s volatile and highly competitive marketplace , success depends upon several variables including yield , quality , and market dynamics according to Daniel Craveiro , Director of R & D at Summit Concentrates . The company provides technologies that prioritize precision and efficiency across multiple states supporting brands including Summit Concentrates , Summit Select , Mayflower Farms , and Sirona Cultivated . “ A decade ago , cultivators ’ margins were bigger , but today every input has to be fundamentally available , consistent , predictable , and precisely managed ,” Craveiro says .

With an eye on boosting consistent efficiencies harvest after harvest , the following are eight efficiency boosts to inform on best selection of a growing media .
Water is life , but this precious resource must be properly supplied to the growing media for optimal utilization by the plant . “ Mineral wool was never meant to be hand-watered ,” says Goldman . “ Having a precision irrigation system supplying the proper amount of water and nutrients is going to ultimately increase your yield , improve your consistency and help manage your input cost .” Automating fertigation reduces variability and contributes to consistency throughout the crop , while reducing labour and its accompanying costs .
More is not better when it comes to growing media . A common and costly mistake is using too much grow media . Growing plants in a 10-20 litre pot of coco , peat , soil , etc will waste a lot of the grower ’ s media investment . While some growers might argue that extra media provides more of a buffer , once fertigation is automated , less buffer is needed . In most instances , 3.5 litres of media is plenty . For example , a 15 centimetre block of mineral wool provides a little less than 3.5 litres of media while offering sufficient space for roots and an entire plant cycle . If a grower wants to add a little buffer , a 10 centimetre block placed atop a slab provides additional root space and provides a little more forgiving design setup .
56 Maximum Yield