Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 55

Pre-legalization , cannabis cultivation occurred incognito : in indoor growrooms , mature forests , remote hillsides , and disguised greenhouses to name but a few clandestine locales . Demand for illicit cannabis was high and supply was low , leading to often exorbitantly high prices . Illicit cannabis was so valuable — fetching as much as $ 10,000 a kilogram for outdoor-grown flower — in part because of outrageously expensive production costs . Correspondingly , the industry evolved so that many expenses had a so-called cannabis tax built in to cushion the illegality of operations . This trickle-up covered costs like the electrician or other service providers being paid a little extra for their discretion , or for the ( supposedly ) highest-quality nutrients obtained from a grow shop marketed specifically for cultivators , etc . The consumer ultimately paid the price during this period — both in exorbitant cannabis costs , and also in receiving a product of questionable quality and origin . Now , legalization enables cannabis cultivation to move into locations and systems of production that better suit the growing requirements of the crop , as well as ensure the quality and affordability for consumers and growers alike . The days of discretion are mostly over because many underground growers have since transitioned into a legal industry setting . Cannabis growers are searching for viable farms with Class I soils and converting them to cultivate cannabis outdoors . Other cultivators are finding old , underutilized greenhouse facilities and breathing new life into them for cannabis production . In particular , those greenhouse facilities with “ good bones ” that offer minimal starting expenses are highly prized . Unfortunately , presently individual states and counties have drastically different entry barriers for the cannabis industry , so the cost of goods sold ( COGS ) varies according to the regulatory and tax burdens of the region . Based on what we ’ ve seen in Oklahoma , the easier it is to issue cultivating licenses , the more people will begin cultivating . As cannabis markets mature and adapt to state regulations , we begin to see the increasing commodification of quality cannabis products . Interestingly , commodification has been slowed by compliance costs , permitting processes , and taxes , which in most states works to keep the price of cannabis disconnected from the actual cost of production . Meanwhile , many of the smaller growers mostly disappear due to the changing nature of cannabis markets following legalization . The small growers that do survive must specialize , find a niche , and be exceptionally good at what they do . The rest of the market shifts to medium- and large-scale growers , who will take lessons learned from the commodification of other agricultural crops — such as corn — and put them to use .

Money is pouring into the research and development of cannabis , the goal being to further increase crop production . As co-owner of an autoflower cannabis company , I ’ ve noticed that the intensified commodification of cannabis forces those in the industry to focus on maximizing yields while limiting costs . For instance , farmers are using a variety of approaches to address this problem , such as :
• Increasing focus on appropriate genetics for fieldscale production . When it comes to seedling vigour , you ’ ll want to utilize the best genetic makeup for your yield . Doing so helps fight against unwanted pests , nasty diseases , and sugar content ( which is analogous to potency or terpene content ).
• Using efficient fertilizer . Growers want to use the best , top-tier fertilizer that is most efficient for their specific strains and growing environment .
• Minimizing labour and maximizing post-harvest efficiency . Technology enables growers to automate systems and tasks rather than rely exclusively on manual labour in their facility . With fewer people working in a cultivation center , tech tools help bridge this gap to minimize labour costs and maximize output .
• Growing in regions that are best-suited . Not all plants are created equally . Some strains are better suited for certain parts of the country . Now that growers are being welcomed into a few dozen legal marketplaces , they can choose which environments and regions best suit their specialty plants .
“ I ’ ve noticed that the intensified commodification of cannabis forces those in the industry to focus on maximizing yields while limiting costs .”
There are also up-and-coming techniques outside of what the corn industry and other cash-crop-production models have demonstrated . One of those recommendations is increasing the number of plantings in a year . This is known as succession planting . Autoflowering or day-neutral genetics allow outdoor and greenhouse farmers , specifically those without light deprivation capacity , to move from a traditional one-cropper-year model to anywhere from two to eight crops . This emergent approach and creative use of genetic development allows farmers to drastically increase yields per acre , spread out the workload , and minimize financial risk . Additionally , consider how autoflower seeds can help your production make the most out of annual weather cycles . Using autoflower genetics alongside fast-finishing varieties ( sub-autos ) and traditional long-season varieties helps farmers access a wide range of genetics . This combination also gives farmers tons of options to tailor their planting and harvest schedules to their specific needs : seasonal weather patterns , labour , compliance , etc . Always ensure your cannabis seeds are from a reputable seed producer . Though growing from clones has become common practice over the past few decades , growing from seed has far-reaching benefits and implications . Besides unparalleled vigour , seeds break pest and disease cycles , allowing farmers to escape the wrath of many viruses now plaguing the industry and giving farmers flexibility in ways too numerous to count .
No matter how large or small your growing operation is , there are plenty of innovative techniques to be inspired by given the transition from the underground to legal cannabis cultivation market . Keep your eyes peeled for innovation as cannabis rises from the legacy market and grows into a modern , commodified , consumer-accessible and farmer-affordable crop .
Joe Ullman is co-owner of Atlas Seed . Atlas Seed specializes in feminized , day-neutral , or “ autoflowering ” cannabis and hemp varieties bred for agronomic qualities , including yield , mould resistance , and total cannabinoid content . Atlas Seed was founded by seasoned winegrape , vegetable , and cannabis farmers in Sonoma County , California .
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