Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 58

When the growing media is used , excess water can simply be squeezed out , again lightening the weight load . And choosing a material that comes packaged in blocks and slabs can eliminate the need to bend over to pour media into pots or monitor filling from an automated dispenser . The efficiency with which a growing media can be stored in the warehouse also should be considered .

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Selecting a sterile , inert media can support safety and security .”
Algae , pests , and opportunistic pathogens in the soil all compete with plants for nutrients and water . These contaminants can also create conditions for harmful pathogens to proliferate . Choosing a grow media that is consistent , inert , and sterile can dramatically reduce the risk of pathogens being introduced into a grow .
Craveiro says that selecting a sterile , inert media can support safety and security . “ We take a lot of confidence in selecting inert media because we can count on it not being a source of impurities ,” he says . “ From a biological perspective , soils can harbour harmful microorganisms . As we can never gain control over the microbiological life in soil , that can lead to inconsistencies and inefficiencies .”
Craveiro also notes soil is commonly sourced from different locations , introducing another dimension of variability to a grow . The manufacturing processes used to produce inert , sterile growing media provides a higher tolerance for control compared to the processes involved in blending a media comprised of organic materials .
Even a growing media ’ s packaging can support or adversely influence growers ’ results . Something as subtle as replacing a growing media ’ s translucent wrapping with an opaque liner can help protect plant quality . “ I ’ ve never met a grower who was happy to have their plants ’ roots exposed to light ,” says Craveiro .
Stories of “ silver bullet ” additives are prolific on social media . But without data supporting an additive ’ s mode of action compared to the input cost , the cost / benefit analysis is impossible to calculate . Stripping a nutrition mix down to a simple salt that covers the basics can eliminate unnecessary input expenses . When comparing the cost of nutrients , growers should consider the electrical conductivity ( EC ) to ensure they are comparing apples to apples .
Finally , there is no substitute for results . Monitor performance and if an additive introduced into a growing media doesn ’ t give improved results , it should be removed from the growing strategy . Adding an additive to a small portion of a grow is designed to make it easy and cost-effective to compare results and evaluate a nutrient ’ s potential value . Additives should be introduced one at a time to determine if they benefit a grow .
In the end , winning the consistency and quality game is a matter of controlling what you can . Efficient cultivation comes down to managing myriad decisions . The choice of growing media can contribute to consistent , predictable yields harvest after harvest — even during volatile market conditions .
58 Maximum Yield