Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada July/August 2023 | Page 26

Changing Room Configurations Between Summer and Winter
If using a non-sealed room , cannabis growers may need to preheat the air coming in from outside . This setup might have worked in the summertime or cooler months but when it is extremely cold outside , the frigid air can really damage plants . Consider bringing the air through a window into a closet or laundry room before it enters the growroom . In the summertime , it might be better to bring the cool air from the house in through the growroom and out through a window instead of the other way around . It just depends on the garden ’ s access to windows and cool air . In sealed rooms , air conditioning is used year-round .
How Cold is too Cold in a Growroom ?
While in a growroom , if it ’ s too cold for human comfort then it ’ s too cold for cannabis plants . That is the best rule of thumb , as most strains thrive close to room temperature . For example , humans tend to become quite uncomfortable below 16 ° C or above 30 ° C and so do most strains of cannabis plants . For us to really sit in comfort , air needs to be somewhere between 20-24 ° C and most strains thrive in the same settings . However , a temperature range between 16-26 ° C is acceptable for most cannabis varieties to result in high quality .
For When It ’ s Extremely Cold
If it is extremely cold outside , it may be necessary to completely close the air flow off from the outer areas until temperatures come up above freezing . When it is not possible or feasible to buffer the air coming in , it is best to close off external air completely .
When Weather Gets Warm Again ( back and forth from cool to warm )
Be ready towards the end of winter to begin to cool your room again , as the warmer spring days start to appear . This can be extremely challenging if you aren ’ t ready for the back-and-forth temperature swings that can occur as spring draws near . Depending on your geographic location , you may want to pay attention to the weather forecast and invest in the proper equipment to handle larger hot / cold swings that can occur between seasons . Don ’ t forget to plan for the first frost in autumn and the last frost in spring .
Some Summer Tips and Tricks
If any heat generating items aren ’ t needed in the grow area , place them outside of the room in a wellventilated area . Some examples of these items are air pumps , power supplies , electrical cords , ballasts , and any other heat exchangers not needed around the plants . If using lighting reflectors with built-in vents , be sure to use insulated ducting to remove the large amount of heat put out by the grow lights . For an emergency fix on an extra hot day use frozen water bottles in water reservoirs or consider a water chiller .
Little Things that Make a Big Difference
Sealing gaps and cracks with spray foam , caulk , or other sealant will prevent cold air drafts that can quickly chill your room below comfortable temperatures . Use weather stripping under and around doors to prevent overlooked air leaks . Anywhere there may have been light leaks will need to be sealed . Insulate exterior walls to further protect your growroom from the outer elements . Although you may have stopped using exhaust fans during extremely cold periods , remember to continue to run oscillating fans to prevent stagnant air and maximize the benefit from the heat of the grow lights . Remember the literal power ( as stored heat energy ) of thermal masses . Use concrete in floors and walls and water in reservoirs and even some grow systems as thermal masses to store heat during daylight hours and slowly radiate it into the growroom throughout the colder dark periods . If you are having trouble heating your entire space , consider making your growing area smaller by separating it from other areas such as workspace or storage .
IoT Monitoring and Control
The Internet of Things is here , and this new technology allows our electronic devices to communicate with each other and with us , offering a sophisticated level of monitoring and control in growrooms . This is the perfect tool for cannabis gardeners going on vacation . Imagine yourself 1,000 kilometres away from the grow , yet you can monitor and control devices in your garden via an app .
26 Maximum Yield