Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada July/August 2023 | Page 27

When choosing a software platform , remember to find one that can be upgraded as the growroom evolves . For example , technology allows cannabis growers to use a nutrient doser to add pH solution or nutrients to improve the reservoir mix while on the other side of the world . Having the correct monitoring equipment is key so data is correct and growers can act accordingly .
Temperature Preferences of Cannabis Varieties
Different strains react in different ways to environmental stresses , due to their genetic predisposition , depending on which environment ( s ) they originated in , before humans began sharing and scattering them by seed or clone , and crossbreeding them to perform better for us . Most varieties have been crossed and hybridized to enjoy high THC levels , similar flowering periods , and a general indoor environment , however , before human intervention this wasn ’ t the case . Tracing cannabis genetics back to land race strains shows that indicas typically originated in colder , mountainous areas with shorter grow seasons . The flower times are short due to later frosts in the spring and earlier frosts in the fall , compared to sativas that originated in areas near the equator with longer grow seasons , such as Hawaii . So , another way to help protect your grow against the cold is to select indicas or indica-dominant hybrids . On the other hand , you may want to select sativas or sativa-dominant hybrids during the summer months .
Germination and Propagation
While germinating cannabis seeds or rooting cuttings , it is extremely important to keep the humidity much higher than normal ( 80-90 percent ) in order to promote initial root growth If humidity is too low , the vapour pressure deficit ( VPD ) will encourage transpiration to occur too rapidly to allow energy for root development . Therefore , a humidifier or misting nozzles may be added to ensure relative humidity remains at an appropriate level . Another useful tool to keep humidity levels high enough for seedlings or cuttings is a humidity dome , which can be placed over the young plants to create a micro-climate where humidity levels remain higher than ambient levels . Another thing to consider while germinating seeds or rooting clones is that although the relative humidity needs to be kept much higher than ambient levels , the moisture level at the roots should be treated normally , by allowing them plenty of oxygen in between waterings .
Drying , Curing , and Dehydration
Humidity also plays a vital role in proper drying and curing methods . Drying cannabis may require a separate area with its own temperature and humidity control . Typically , a dark , cool area is needed with some ventilation and an ability to keep humidity in the correct range . Unlike typical food dehydrating , cannabis must be dried and cured slowly , while maintaining humidity levels below 60 percent where mould and mildew can ’ t thrive . In a wellconstructed area , the environment is controlled in such a way that the processes occur slowly over time , allowing chlorophyll to break down and other important chemical processes to occur .
If this process is rushed , chlorophyll can be trapped inside , negatively affecting the taste , quality , and overall outcome of the buds . To manipulate the amount of humidity and air exchange , small exhaust fans are used . In a sophisticated processing area , these fans are placed on either a thermostat or hygrometer controller , depending on which variable is more important to control . Quality can be easily gained or lost at this important step in the overall cannabis cultivation process .
“ Regardless of the time of year , or the weather outside , temperature and humidity inside the growroom directly affect the quality and yield of every cannabis harvest .”
Cultivation can be a fun endeavour for any cannabis enthusiast . Regardless of the time of year , or the weather outside , temperature and humidity inside the growroom directly affect the quality and yield of every cannabis harvest .
We have now extensively explored different configurations , methods , and implications of controlling the two most important parameters of the ideal cannabis growing environment . Here ’ s to growing and enjoying your best buds . Happy gardening !
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Maximum Yield 27