Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada July/August 2023 | Page 25

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Winter Tips and Tricks ( how to help with heating costs )
With some planning , growers can easily utilize the heat created from their cannabis garden to heat other areas of the building . The grow lights are hundreds or thousands of watts and thus create an equal amount of heat . Think of a 1,000W light as a 1,000W heater . Energy in equals heat out , and most of that heat will end up leaving the growroom . Why not capture it and utilize it since that energy is a fixed cost ? Just put the heat in other areas of the house or building . Use inline duct or can-style fans with flexible ducting equipment to guide the air where it is needed . This can be in the crawl space , in between floors , or just from one room to another . In the summertime seasoned growers might have been putting the heat out of the window but during winter it can easily be used to increase the overall efficiency of the building ’ s heating system .
Winter Air is Drier
Seasoned cannabis growers know that winter air is drier than summer air . This will cause gardens to fluctuate in humidity from season to season . It should be noted that adjustments may be needed to regulate humidity between seasons . A hygrometer can measure the garden ’ s humidity and trigger fans on and off to increase airflow and thus lower humidity . Also , many times the decreased need for ventilation of heat during winter will help increase humidity . It is best to be aware of humidity levels during all seasons and invest in the proper equipment to control it accordingly .


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From Dr . Greenthumb
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Info Desk 1.613.330.2404 Visit drgreenthumb . com

Maximum Yield 25