MASC Brochure MASC 18-19 English Brochure | Page 69

Deidre Hierlihy Deidre Hierlihy Available September - December 2018 and May 21 - June 2019 Workshops Wax Sculpture (Grades: K* - 12/sec V) Create a figure or animal using wire to form the structure and define gesture, then add wax to build up the detail. Students will focus on body proportion and movement. The resulting figures depict animals or people from historical periods or from stories. Materials: $1.50 + HST per student Shelters of Natural Materials (Grades: K* - 6) Explore how cultures from different parts of the world use native materials to build shelters. After a digital presentation, students will build a maquette of a shelter, using local natural materials. MAxIMuM : 30 STuDENTS ONE 75 MINuTE SESSION : $195 + HST $295 + HST FuLL DAY : THREE 75 MINuTE SESSIONS $395 + HST HALF DAY : TWO 75 MINuTE SESSIONS * Sessions for Kindergarten are 1 hour each CuRRICuLuM LINKS Produce two-dimensional works that communicate thoughts, feelings and experiences; use of tools; materials and techniques; settlers; indigenous cultures; ancient civilizations and medieval studies; storytelling; critical thinking; elements of design, problem solving. Illuminated Letters (Grades: 1 - 8/sec II) Based on medieval Celtic illuminated manuscripts, students will create a title letter which includes traditional Celtic form and patterns. Italics (Grades: 2 - 12/sec V) Use a flat nib pen to copy an inspirational thought or line from a favourite poem. The colour, size and form of the letters, as well as layout on the paper, combine to create works of art. P h o to :J en n if er D o b so n Oriental Brushwork (Grades: 2 - 12/sec V) Using Chinese brush and ink, explore brushstroke and balance of positive/negative space through the examination of oriental characters. Materials: $1 + HST per student for the above four workshops Visual Arts 69