blood cells, altered virus immunity and more. Long term effects of immune
dysregulation include the development of: allergies, hypersensitivities,
autoimmunity, and infectious diseases. To prevent these effects astronauts
should be in perfect health pre-launch and quarantined leading up to launch to
prevent the contraction of mission-threatening infections, viruses or diseases.
More research is still needed to fully understand immune dysregulation so we
can keep our astronauts safe.
Motion sickness:
Similar to how you or your friend may get sick in a moving car, astronauts
experience motion sickness, but on the highest level. The Canadian Medical
Association Journal’s studies on motion sickness conclude that the most
common symptoms of space motion sickness include: cold sweating, nausea
and vomiting. Terrestrial motion sickness occurs when astronauts lose their
perception of direction while working in micro gravity. In rare cases crew
members are incapacitated by motion sickness. To prevent this, astronauts will
undergo intense conditioning in virtual reality simulations. During the space flight,
astronauts will be required to take medication to prevent motion sickness.
With so many unknowns and potential health problems associated with
traveling to Mars, the Mars mission is a great new frontier for humanity to face.
From protecting astronauts from radiation to preventing immune dysregulation,
not only will we go further than any man has traveled, we will dive deeper into
the study of medicine and the effects of space travel and life in space on our
Jon Esparaz
Pickering, ON