Issue Number 16 | June 2022
We Will Miss You !
Written by Eva MacKinnon , S4
We have a couple of well-known and loved members of staff leaving Marr College this term – Mrs Crammond , Mrs Drewett and Mrs Richard . We are sad that they are leaving Marr but wish everyone the best of luck for their new schools and the future .
I was fortunate enough to interview Mrs Drewett and Mrs Richard before their final day . Mrs Drewett is a RMPS teacher and has been working at Marr since August 2020 . During her time , she has loved working with students especially her S1s and Highers - seeing them grow . She also went to school with Ms Elliott and had a lovely surprise to see that she worked here as well after not seeing her for 20 + years after their last year at secondary school . Mrs Drewett says she has met friends for life and will be the hardest part of saying goodbye to us . She has loved spending break and lunch times with the Music , Modern Languages and Support for Learning staff !
Fortunately , Mrs D ' s new school is 10 minutes away from her home unlike 40mins from Troon . For summer plans , Mrs Drewett is going camping up to the north of Scotland and has the Tiree Music Festival booked . Mrs D would like to say a huge thank you to everyone at Marr College for welcoming her into school and helping her fit in so quickly . Everyone was so helpful and friendly and she will miss that a lot .
Mrs Richard is PT Modern Languages and has been working at Marr College since 2017 . Of the five years she has had here , Mrs Richard has loved working with lovely pupils and staff and will miss her morning laughs with her fellow language teachers . Mrs Richard has been waking up at 6:15am for the time she has been at Marr so she is looking forward to being able to walk to her new school ! For the first time since 2018 , Mrs Richard is visiting her family in France during the summer holidays ! She wants to say to everyone be good and always do your best
All the best Mrs Crammond , Mrs Richard and Mrs Drewett we will miss you !