Marr College June Newsletter 2022 16 | Page 25

Issue Number 16 | June 2022
Charity Book Swap Event
Our S1 Marr Reader Ambassadors and the school Barista team hosted a fantastic staff book swap event at the end of May . We gathered in almost 40 ‘ preloved ’ books from staff in all departments which enabled those involved to choose a book for their summer holiday reading .
A donation was also made to the local foodbank . Thank you to everyone involved particularly the S3 Barista team who provided wonderful hot drinks and delicious cakes .
Happy summer reading everyone ! # marrvelousreaders
Reminder - Follow us on Social Media !
Written by Eva Mackinnon , S3
We have many Instagram and Twitter school accounts – run by both teachers and pupils . Below is a list if you would like to follow them for updates about events , dates and what everyone gets up to in class !
Instagram accounts :
� @ marr . artdept
� @ marrcollege _ business
� @ marr _ homeeconomics
� @ marrgeog
� @ marr . portland
� @ marr _ darley
� @ marrcaptains
� @ marr _ digi _ champs
� @ marr _ fullarton
Written by Claudia Stark , S2
Teachers always try to encourage pupils to read more , but what about teachers ? On Friday the 27 th of May the reading ambassadors organised a book swap for the teachers . They were told to come along and bring a book that they enjoyed and wanted to give it to someone else so they can share their opinion on it . The reading ambassadors went around the school getting teachers signatures wanting to participate in the book swap . The event consisted of a table with multiple genres of books and teachers could come along , grab a coffee and choose a new book that they think they might fancy . The reading ambassadors tried to get as many signatures as they could and went around the school persuading teachers to join in .
Twitter accounts :
� @ MarrColOfficial
� @ MarrBusiness
� @ marr _ rrs
� @ MarrHome
� @ MarrArtDesign
� @ MarrLothian
� @ marrfullarton
� @ MarrGeog
� @ pe _ marr
� @ Marr _ Portland
� @ MarrColMusic
� @ MarrInclusion
� @ MarrPC _ Suggest
� @ DarleyMarr
� @ MarrDesignTech
� @ marrcaptains
� @ MarrCol _ careers
� @ MarrEnglish
� @ MarrPhysics
� @ MarrSchoolShow
� @ MarrPipingGroup
� @ MarrCollegeSTEM
� @ MarrLanguages2
� @ MarrEvent