Marr College June Newsletter 2022 16 | Page 20

Issue Number 16 | June 2022
Creative Writing Club
Written by , Eve Millar , S4
Our librarian ( Miss Keirs ) and an S2 student came up with the great idea of a new club - a creative writing one ! It is on every Wednesday , from 2:50pm- 3:30pm . The club will take place in the library and will be a relaxed environment with no pressure to share any work that you do . This club is for S1-3 students . The reason behind this new innovative idea was we currently do not have a creative writing club and we thought that it would be a wonderful opportunity for our school !
MNM Beads – Enterprising Students !
� Delighted that 3 of our new S2 students attended the Muirhead Gala and Troon Primary Fayre to showcase their business MNM Beads ! The team have been making jewellery and can even personalise their products .
They even managed to get a picture with Sir Tom Hunter showcasing their products !