Issue Number 18 | December 2022
S2 News & Media Elective
Written by Libby Gunshon , S2 For Halloween , the S2 News and Media Elective students have been learning how to use different types of media . They learned how to make posters , record videos and make GIFs . The GIFs were made to advertise the schools Halloween Disco ; it needed to include the date , place and time of the disco . The students used Canva to create them which was useful so they could make them animated .
Remembrance Day
Written by Lola McMorran , S3 On Friday the 11th of November it was Remembrance Day . Remembrance Day marks the day when WW1 ended- the 11th hour , of the 11th day , of the 11th month , 1918 . At 11am we had a minute silence were Taylor Elliot beautifully played the bagpipes around the school . Poppies went on sale around a week before the day so everyone would have a chance to show their respects . The red flower is a symbol for a peaceful future as well as remembering the soldiers . They are worn to show respect for the Armed Forces community . It is a wellknown and established symbol that carries so much history and meaning to it . There were displays around the school including an outstanding flower mural on the window between English and Science . As you walk into the school you would see some Remembrance Day bunting with poppies on them .
Mr . Moncrieff put together a PowerPoint with the help of some S6s all about Remembrance Day . It was read out during period 3 as that was when the minute silence took place . Thanks to Emma Atkinson , Libby Donnan , Chloe Hollinsworth and Callum Penman for creating the presentation . Overall , it was a very beautiful day and my heart goes out to all the families who lost loved ones during the war .