Written by Libby Gunshan , S2
Issue Number 18 | December 2022
Anti-Bullying Week
Anti-bullying week took place from the week beginning 14th of November . We had plenty of events going on in school including a presentation from the sixth years all about anti-bullying and homophobia / transphobia . We are specifically focusing on homophobic and transphobic behaviour this anti-bullying week as we believe it is not spoken enough about . We also had a visitor into some PSE classes to talk about gender identity and bullying .
Our values include respect and |
equality so these are always are |
main |
focus |
during |
anti-bullying |
week . |
We also were focusing on mental health alongside bullying this week ,
Night Before Christmas # NB4CC there were posters put up around school that include a QR code where you can speak out about bullying you have
experienced or that you have seen happening . This form will be sent directly to your guidance teacher so they can further talk to you about this issue and help you through it . Always remember to speak out about bulling !
The S3 Barista / Enterprise pupils have done an amazing job raising money for the ‘ Night Before Christmas Campaign ’ by selling hot drinks and cakes to staff and delivering them on a Friday afternoon . Profits from this meant over 45 giftbags were filled with items including pyjamas , selection boxes , books , toys , gloves and hats . The bags were collected by the charity and will be delivered to local children in time for Christmas .
Well done everyone !