Issue Number 18 | December 2022
What ’ s New in the Library ?
Written by Eve Millar , S4
LGBT Allies Update
LGBT CHARTER This year we are working towards our Silver LGBT Charter . This will include making changes in classrooms , in school , and in policy over the last few months . Staff have had the opportunity to complete LGBT training from LGBT Youth Scotland and have been encouraged to action this training and make changes in classes .
WORD OF THE MONTH We have chosen a word per month to highlight on the notice board and on social media . Some examples are bisexual , transgender and coming out . We are looking forward to Purple Friday and LGBT History Month . Purple Friday takes place on the final Friday of February and LGBT History Month takes place at in February as well . During the month we will plan and deliver classes on LGBTQ + History and current issues .
EXTRA INFORMATION All year groups will be aware of the charter and will be involved . LGBT Allies takes place on Wednesday lunchtimes , to attend speak to Miss Keirs in the library , Mrs Ledingham in Modern Languages or Miss Robson in RMPS .
Library Update families all about our charter and how we will action this in class .
BOOK WEEK SCOTLAND As part of recent book week in Scotland we had a scavenger hunt for our S1 pupils and a highlight on Scottish Authors in the library .
READ WOKE There will be 4 new novels added to our extensive Read Woke collection in the library . Once they are announced they will be available in the library to encourage readers to read these books about characters who are LGBT !
READING SCHOOLS ACCREDITATION We are working towards our Silver Reading School Accreditation . This allows us to create a reading environment within school . This will involve events for the junior school .
• Creative Writing Club - Wednesdays 2.50 - 4pm
• Study Club - Wednesday and Thursday after school
• Allies - Wednesday Lunchtimes
• S1-S2 Book Club - Tuesday lunchtime with Miss Owens
CHRISTMAS CONCERT STALL We also recently had a stall at our Christmas Concert , telling pupils and