Marr College December Newsletter 2022 18 | Page 9

Issue Number 18 | December 2022
Written by Harry Burkinshaw , S1
Looking after our mental health is always important but things can sometimes feel more stressful when we have things like exams and prelims .
We all experience stress sometimes . It ’ s our bodies response to pressure . Some stress can be good and motivate us to do something we ’ re nervous about like taking a test , public speaking or running a race . However , sometimes stress can be overwhelming and interfere with our daily lives . Some signs of anxiety include feeling nervous , tense or having a sense of danger . Constantly worrying or not sleeping are other signs .
Remember that you can find lots of helpful information on our school website including some top tips in dealing with stressful situations : http :// www . marr . sayr . sch . uk / mentalhealth--wellbeing . html
Written by Abbie McGowan , S6
Prelim Preparations
As Christmas fast approaches and school comes to a close for the term , all senior pupils know that exam season is right around the corner . With National 4 and 5 exams completed , Higher and Advanced Higher exams are next on the timetable with them beginning on the 16th of January . This gives students a week in school before exams , giving them extra time to ask question they are unsure on .
The timetable for exams can be found on our website : http :// www . marr . sayr . sch . uk / under the pupil section .
Merry Christmas and good luck to all those participating in these exams . Dont forget to make time for yourself and family this holiday . Also , a very big well done to all those that recently sat your National 4 / 5 exams !