Consider trainee knowledge!
Stay active and move around the room. People will not learn if you are stationary. Keep your self-presentation positive and upbeat.
You do not want your trainees falling asleep on you, so you must not fall asleep on them!
of American companies use online learning
EFFECTIVE Training Techniques
Keep it interesting!
BE Supportive!
Use other methods of training!
This may be the first time that your trainee is going through training. Be supportive and do not be condescending. Try to stay positive and answer any questions that may arise. Try to be as thorough as possible and avoid going over topics too fast.
Before you begin your training, try to keep your trainee's knowledge in the back of your mind. You do not want to begin training ahead of what your trainee's know. You should try to begin with the most basic skills. Even if they know the basics, briefly review them before moving on to other topics. If you are dealing with experts in the field, you may not want to waste time going over elementary items.
Do not bore your trainees! Keep topics relevant, but interesting. Add stories or comedy into your training. Do ice-breakers, team-building games, and other activites that will keep your audience paying attention, Make the trainees not want to miss a minute of your training. They should be intersting and excited to learn new skills. Try to make even the boring topics interesting! Be grand theater!
Use variety in everything you do. Use a variety of media-use powerpoint, videos, prezi, musci, etc. Change up your training methods as well. Have indoor and outdoor activities. You want to appeal to every trainee's learning style in the same training session. Many companies are also turning to doing training via the web. Training videos and virtual training has taken the place of traditional training.