Guidelines for Managers
Stay relevant
Connect with employees
Ask for help
Create tech-friendly environment
Be open-minded
Make sure all of your communications are relevant. Do not go too far off topic when work needs to be done. This also takes another meaning. Be informed about what is going on in the world and in technology. Try to be as up-to-date as possible and be in the now!
Make every chance an opportunity to connect with your employees. They are your lifeline andyou need to create goodwill and a relationship with them. They want one with you, so help them help you!
Ask for help when you need it. Just because you are a manager, it does not mean that you don't need help once in awhile. Ask other managers, employees, or supervisors for help with anything. You are a team and people would be glad to lend a helping hand if they can.
There are so many new device, apps, and programs that are in the technology industry. Create a work environment that is tech-friendly. Office-wide wifi, charging stations, and demo-products will help employees use their own devices and possibly find new ones to you.
Be open to trying new things, old things, and weird things. People may view things differently than you or may connect them with other things. Use your people to step outside of your comfort zone.