NETFLIX and demonstrate consistently strong performance . When faced with important decisions , a Netflix employee will always choose action over inaction .
Netflix employees are curious and eager to learn all aspects of the business . As a result , they understand the company strategy , market , subscribers , and suppliers and are broadly knowledgeable about technology , entertainment , and the industry as a whole . Each member of the Netflix team consistently contributes new ideas toward the betterment of the company .
Innovation at Netflix is the ability to reconceptualize issues and to develop practical solutions for difficult problems . Innovation is also applied by simplifying complex ideas so they can be executed quickly . When warranted , Netflix employees challenge prevailing assumptions and suggest a better approach .
Netflix employees have the courage to say what they think even if it ’ s controversial . They take risks and make tough decisions without agonizing . If an action is inconsistent with company values , they immediately know to bring it to the team for review .
Netflix team members inspire one another with their passion , tenacity , and thirst for excellence . Each team member cares intensely about Netflix ’ s success and wholeheartedly celebrates company victories .
Honesty , candor , and directness are a must for every Netflix employee . Disagreements are nonpolitical and everyone is expected to only say things of one another that they would be comfortable saying to one another . If a team member makes a mistake , they are quick to admit to it .
Netflix employees are selfless in their pursuit of what is best for Netflix , even if it may not be in their own best interest .
Information is proactively and openly shared , and everyone makes time to help each other in the pursuit of company growth .
Freedom and Responsibility
Knowing that everyone on the team is aligned with its core values , Netflix encourages its employees to take big risks . Freedom and responsibility for every team member are important drivers in the company ’ s success , imbuing its culture with a level of trust that is unparalleled by most organizations . Netflix trusts that every employee will make the right decisions and decisions that are in Netflix ’ s best interest , which works to strengthen self-discipline , fosters good judgement , and promotes accountability .
For many employees , the freedom and responsibility provided in their roles are a gateway to creativity . With little restriction on creative output , Netflix empowers its team to apply innovative techniques , unpopular opinions , and real-life experience to their work .
Freedom and responsibility are also inherent in the company ’ s unlimited vacation policy . Rather than implementing a formal system , employees are simply asked to act in Netflix ’ s best interest when making travel plans and to treat the company ’ s money as if it were their own .
Applying Netflix strategies in your own company starts with team empowerment and hiring employees who embody your company ’ s core values inside the workplace and out . At Tulip Media Group , we , like Netflix , are advocates for autonomy in every role and have experienced immense growth as a result of this approach .
If you are interested in transforming your company culture , we invite you to talk to us about it at your next strategy meeting . Our team can provide guidance in the process and help you achieve real results for your team .
Erika MacLeod is the Managing Editor at Tulip Media Group and best-selling author of The Ultimate Culture . With over 15 years of organizational experience , Erika works closely with Client-Partners and is Tulip ' s liason with their renowned national contributors . Erika ' s first book , co-authored with Stacey O ' Brien , is available on Amazon : TM . media / UltimateCulture