Marketing Guidelines Marketing Guidelines | Page 10

SOCIAL MEDIA Siena Heights University has developed a social media network in areas like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We have many academic and athletic areas already represented. To join an academic program, club or organization to the SHU Facebook network, fill out a Marketing Request Form. SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY Siena Heights University maintains an official presence on the following social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Zenfolio, Instagram, Snapchat Before creating a separate social media presence for your office or administrative department, consider whether you would be better served by working with the Office of Marketing and Communications to utilize Siena Heights’s primary social media existence. By creating your own presence, you should be prepared to maintain it and keep it updated. Siena Heights University presences on social media sites are considered to be an extension of the official web site, and most guidelines that apply to the web site will also apply to your social media site. To ensure the continuity of Siena Heights University online identity, if you are exploring the creation of your own office or administrative department presence on a social media site, please first contact the Office of Marketing and Communicatoins to discuss the process and address profile naming conventions, graphics needs, etc. The Office of Marketing and Communications reserves the right to monitor, prohibit, restrict, block, suspend, terminate, delete, or discontinue access to any Social Media Site, at any time, without notice and for any reason and in its sole discretion. FACEBOOK We recommend that the Office of Integrated University Marketing create Facebook Fan Pages. Administrator privileges for the page will be granted to the person or persons responsible for updating the page. It is recommended that a member of the Office of Marketing and Communications hold an administrator position on any Facebook Page. The images for all Siena Heights University Facebook pages will maintain a consistent graphic identity and must be coordinated through the marketing office. Facebook Fan Pages that do not follow these guidelines, or that are created without the involvement of the Office of Marketing and Communications, will not be linked from the college’s primary Facebook presence or from the college web site. Siena Heights University Facebook Groups may be created at any time and those that use college graphics should be coordinated with the Office of Marketing and Communications. Please let the Office of Marketing and Communications know when the group is created so all university pages can be linked together. Facebook Pages offer certain advantages over Facebook groups, but also come with additional responsibilities. 10 SIENA HEIGHTS UNIVERSITY Marketing Guidelines