Marketing 188 Mag Midterm April 2014 | Page 13

Best Websites

1. CopyBlogger

This is a fairly new website that I have stumbled upon in the last few weeks, and BOY does it have some great stuff on content and Internet marketing. This is a great tool to use if you are trying to stay updated on the latest Internet marketing trends, as well as making your content relevant to your audience.

2. YouTube

This is a great tool and source because it provides peoples most honest attitudes and opinions. Not only can you look up product reviews about certain products and see the physical reactions of your audience, you can also look up tutorials for pretty much anything and everything.

3. Twitter

Visiting Twitter on a daily basis, sometimes even multiple times a day is a MUST. Not only is it a great way to reach an audience, it is a great tool to keep updated with almost ANYTHING. Everyone who is anyone is tweeting multiple times a day about things that are important to them.

4. Seth Godin

This marketing guru has his own personal site where he posts articles and his latest books about what is going on in the marketing world and how to be an effective marketer. He is known for some huge marketing break through such as permission marketing.

5. Forbes

This is a great site for anything really, but especially marketing because they continue to post articles about marketing and the effects of it.


1. New Product Publicity: When introducing a new product, people need to learn what you know, what you have to offer, and why they need your help in the frst place. These are four steps a successful Public Relations professional should use to properly publicise their new product.Media Play- when you have a new product you need to get it out to the public, whether it is via radio, online radio, television etc. A PR professional will take the necessary seps to promote via media outlets. Powerful Press Releases- although this method may seem old school, nothing get the word out to the media better than a intriguing press release explain the introduction of your new product. Social Networking- if you are going to start promoting via social networks, you must remember to be social. Let the world know your product is available and take the time and energy to post, however, don't go overboard. Respond to breaking News- be the first to get the breaking news regarding your industry and address it immediately. Now that technology plays a huge role in the business world, staying on top of the latest new is important.

2.Product Placement: It is important to find exciting and cost sensitive plans to successfully create a memorable associations for your brand. Whether is in on the shelf, in a movie, on the billboard as you are driving down the street, you want to make sure that it creates an impact on potential consumers.

3. Consumer Education: As a PR professional, you need to know your consumers. Educate yourself on their daily habbits, what triggers them to purchase and what enhances their purchasing decisions. SInce the consumer ends the cylce, paying attention to these specific habits will increase the effectiviness of your campaign.

4.Event Sponsorship: Always throwing events and publicizing your brand is a must for a PR professional, therefore knowing how to connect with companies to invest in your event is necessary.


tools of a Pr Professsional