Market Research Report Chinese Consumers towards Outbound Travelling | Page 4

WHO ’ S INNOVATING ? More fusion in travel and technology Houston using VR to boost tourism The Tattoo Flyer Trip Book Smiles Pokémon Go in Switzerland
THE CONSUMER – WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Trend of going beyond the familiar destinations Destination marketing can leverage different media Romantic getaways and family trip are the most popular Chinese people are travelling abroad with more demands Apps are essentials for self-guided tours A promising future for outbound cruise trips
DESTINATION OF OUTBOUND TRAVEL Geographic and cultural factors are influential for destination selection Figure 24 : Destination of outbound travel , September 2016 Destination preference in the last year Figure 25 : Destinations that outbound travellers have visited in the last 12 months , by age and income , September 2016 Consumers ’ preferred travel type changes with destination Figure 26 : Outbound destinations visited in the past 12 months , by travel type , September 2016 Travellers who have taken package tours tend to visit more destinations Figure 27 : Repertoire analysis of outbound destinations visited in the past 12 months , September 2016
OUTBOUND TRAVEL INSPIRATIONS Use more media to generate travel interest Figure 28 : Outbound travel inspirations , September 2016 Travel-technology fusion could be the future of marketing Figure 29 : Outbound travel inspirations , by age , September 2016 Figure 30 : Baidu index trend for ‘ Sisters over Flowers ’ and Italy The power of documentary Figure 31 : Respondents who think information from documentaries helps them make a decision to travel abroad , by age and gender , September 2016
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INTERESTED TRAVEL THEMES Romantic getaways and family trip are most popular Figure 32 : Interested travel themes , September 2016 Shopping , health therapy / treatment , luxury experience and religious pilgrimage can help to attract 25-39s Figure 33 : Respondents who are very interested in listed travel themes , by age , September 2016 A strong interest in cosmetic surgery / slimming trips in tier two and three cities Figure 34 : Respondents who are very interested in listed travel themes , by city tier , September 2016