Maritime Environmental Scan-Final Report Maritime Environmental Scan-Final Report | Page 9

3 Scope of Research and Analysis The scope of research and analysis covered two major components: 1. Industry outlook and trends a) Economic size, number of players and geographical spread within the SBSR sector, including their dispersal into sub-sectors or agreed groupings b) Main economic characteristics of the sector and sub-sectors c) Financial profile and performance of the sector and sub-sectors d) Recent trends, patterns and highlights in the business of the overall sector and the sub- sectors e) Prospects of the sector and the sub-sectors f) Major factors and drivers (domestic and international) affecting the industry outlook g) Initiatives that industry players are pursuing to foment and sustain growth in the industry h) Government policy or regulatory issues which could impact the industry 2. Workforce issues a) Profile of the current and future workforce of the sector (MASCO, MISC, and other standard classifications will be utilized as appropriate) including socio-economic characteristics, e.g. gender, age-group, etc. b) Jobs created, profile of new hires, vacancy rates, hard-to-fill positions, and future job creation c) Hours worked, part-time work, and work arrangement flexibilities d) Minimum qualification / education requirements for the sector and sub-sector workforce e) Salaries and other compensation outlays and benefits of the sector and sub-sector workforce f) Current and future skills profile and requirements of the sector g) Workforce challenges faced by the sector and sub-sectors h) List of occupations in demand, if possible matched to qualifications, and identification of those which should be in the Critical Occupational List (COL) Environmental Scan – Maritime (Shipbuilding and Ship Repair -SBSR) Sector 5