Maritime Environmental Scan-Final Report Maritime Environmental Scan-Final Report | Page 22

Based on the latest data from Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT), there are approximately 250 companies which are involved in the SBSR sector nationwide. Assuming the total number of establishments is approximately 250 companies across the SBSR sector, we aimed to achieve a sample size of n=100 companies. A stratified random sampling approach was adopted for the survey, where soft quota was set for each stratum in the sampling frame to ensure representativeness. The companies in the survey sampling frame were stratified by sub-sector, location of main business activity (region), and employment size (large company vs. SME). For the SBSR sector, taking into consideration the target response rate of at least 30% (which is much higher than the industry average for B2B surveys) and to shorten the timeframe required to achieve the desired sample size, the survey questionnaire was sent to all companies in the sampling framework, but follow-up on survey participation was focused on the selected samples. Responses were tracked on a daily basis to identify areas that require additional effort to ensure the achievement of the target sample distribution. 5.3.3 Conduct of survey In order to encourage higher level of participation, the following measures were implemented: i) The survey invitation included a letter of authorization from MOHR / ILMIA ii) Meetings with all key industry associations were arranged upon commencement of study to brief them about the study and to seek their support for the survey, for e.g. to create awareness and encourage participation during their internal events and meetings, to connect the project team to the right potential respondents, etc. iii) Follow-up calls were made regularly during the entire fieldwork period iv) Close follow-up with respondents who have completed the survey halfway v) Sharing of key findings with the survey respondents upon completion of study vi) Survey via telephone and hard copy questionnaire were also be provided as an option to respondents The survey length was proposed to be kept to a maximum of 30 minutes to ensure that the questions focused on the key information required and to minimize respondents’ fatigue which Environmental Scan – Maritime (Shipbuilding and Ship Repair -SBSR) Sector 18