Maritime Environmental Scan-Final Report Maritime Environmental Scan-Final Report | Page 21

ii) Data and publications from relevant government agencies and educational / training institutions iii) Data and publications from government agencies / industry leaders / educational institutions in other countries within similar sectors for insights on workforce training and retention initiatives iv) Industry reports v) Regular monitoring of news articles and online industry forums / dedicated contents vi) Company websites and annual reports vii) ILMIA internal databases (statistics, previous similar studies conducted, industry publications, white papers, etc.) 5.3 Quantitative survey 5.3.1 Geographical, industry and occupational coverage This study covered the following sub-sectors: Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (SBSR) [Up to MSIC 5 Digits derived from codes: 13, 25-29, 30, 33, 38, 43] • Shipbuilding • Ship Repair 5.3.2 Survey methodology Quantitative survey for the ES was conducted via online questionnaire and telephone. All companies in the database in the survey sampling frame was included except for: i) Micro-sized companies (based on employment size) • In micro-sized companies (<5 employees), the employees are usually multi-tasking, with each of them covering a few job functions. This is not reflective of the overall human capital needs of the industry. ii) Companies that are unwilling to disclose their number of employees • The sampling frame was stratified based on several characteristics which included employment size. Without this information, the stratification process cannot be carried out. Environmental Scan – Maritime (Shipbuilding and Ship Repair -SBSR) Sector 17