20 ... His Heart Scribe Inspirations -- March / April 2014
Your 'Butterfly Season'"
We are in our "butterfly" season!
Those of us who have been
"cocooned" and wrapped securely
within Daddy's arms and heart for
however long will now emerge "be
pushed out" so to speak divinely
carrying His power like never before.
This is a "new exodus." Not anything like anyone you have experienced before. Even the simple
things we will find easier to accomplish. Those situations that
we have thrown our hands up and
screamed, "I give up" … "I just
can't do this!" Even these things
will now be able to be accomplished with "great ease." -Isaiah
25:1- says, "{Praise to the LORD} LORD, You are my God; I will
exalt You and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness You
have done wonderful things, things planned long ago." No longer
will we have to just "inch" our way around or toward that which
ABBA has called us to do. No longer will we stand in someone
else's shadow.
This is our season to "soar" as never before. Heights that we have
never been before. Roads that we have never traveled before.
Ground that we have never walked on before, and places that we
could only dream about visiting are now right in front of us. Isaiah 43:18-19- "Don't revel only in the past, or spend all your