19 ... His Heart Scribe Inspirations -- March / April 2014
(Continued from page 15-Bulletproof)
ther than we could ever go, GOD is there.
. . .He even makes HIS bed in Sheol. We
have only glimpsed the HEART of GOD. It
is not religion that will be the entry path to
salvation. It is simply HIS LOVE, HIS
TRUTH, and HIS purposes and plans. It is
relationship with GOD alone that brings release from the HEAVENS.
. . .While GOD was using us to share butterfly’s story yesterday, we truly were enveloped by the presence of GOD. There were
people who were sent to that concert last
night to cause trouble, but they did not succeed. The enemy sends people to create
problems. But, GOD sends HIS GLORY to
cause those plans to be burnt up by the HOLINESS and presence of GOD. You see part
of GOD making us BULLETPROOF is about
Crucifixion. Our physical and mental process that GOD gifts unto us so that we can
be more in tune with HIS process. This is
beautiful yet at times a horrendous blessing
in disguise that is a catalyst for many others
to follow, can only be given by GOD.
. . .GOD is our holy SOAP. His blood was
shed so that we could REST in HIS fighting
through in and around us. HE is the Greatest WARRIOR. He makes us Heroes in
HIM. ~
. . .I will never ever forget the time on the
25th of November 2013 just 1 day before the
day we took Sarah Beth to the hospital,
when GOD spoke BLESSING. My heart
dropped to the pit of my very SOUL hearing
it. I cried out and said, “Father, there are
times that at first I don’t like or even enjoy
Your blessing. But, I will receive it because I
do know that Your purpose is much greater
and that You waste not an ounce of any pain
or suffering.” He told me, “You are about to
get blessed.” Both is preparation, and on
some level is warning. GOD knows what will
come. The good, bad and UGLY He knows.
. . .But, make no mistake that HIS blessings
far out weigh the challenges of the world in
which we reside. HIS ways are so much better than ours. He is unlimited and in HIS
ways and timing HE will do exactly what HE
has promised as long as YOU are willing,
ready and able to receive the BLESSING of
GOD. So, will you count the cost and realize
that HE has need of you? Will you endure
being used, in some cases abused, cast
aside, mocked, and persecuted to the ninth
degree? Or would you rather miss the GLORY of GOD? Sit idly by and not be part of it,
or surrender completely even your children,
which to some are prize possessions. To
GOD they are HIS treasures, WE are HIS
COGS. But, in order for HIM to make us
Children of GOD Supers, we must give HIM
. . .We must take a stand against darkness.
Ask GOD to strip it from you. Truly, look
around the home you have been given and
seek HIS LIGHT to permeate anything NOT
pleasing to HIM. There are many times I do
not please people, but as long as I and you
stay surrendered with a repentant heart
and MOST of ALL open for correction we
will ALWAYS be pleasing to GOD. Not
from a place of striving, simply from a
place of being HIS child. RESTING in the
(Continued on page 29)