March Issue 2014 March Issue 2014 | Page 18

18 ... His Heart Scribe Inspirations -- March / April 2014 (Continued from page 12-The Apostle’s Corner) videos that somehow prove what they believe within their own "revelations." People of God, I know we talk incessantly about false prophets in the context of those running money lines or prophesying cars, houses, and money over people, but these modern -day false doomsday prophets are just as destructive. Rather than using hopes of false prosperity, they use scare tactics and create a feeling of haste and absence of God. Recognizing that most people are unaware about many things spiritual today, they try to plug in studies, headlines, and the opinions of random doomsday fatalists and wrap it up under the guise of "this is what God is showing me." This is just as dangerous and demonic as a false prophet creating a false financial reality. Below I am outlining signs of false modern-day, end times prophets that they may be contrasted with the true prophetic, and never maligned with such. It is also to help all who receive things from such not be taken in nor frightened by the endless propaganda that seems to flood the internet. Their requisition of data lies in Youtube videos and internet theories - Just because it's contained in a Youtube video does not make it factual! There is a Youtube video out there for every single topic under the sun and one that can prove each and every single perspective, opinion, and theory in existence. If someone searches long enough, they can find a video that "seems" to prove any point they have. I have nothing against watching things on Youtu