21 ... His Heart Scribe Inspirations -- March / April 2014
time recounting the victories of days
gone by … 19] Watch closely: I am
preparing something new; it's happening now, even as I speak you're
about to see it. I am preparing a way
through the desert; waters will flow
where there have been none."
Isaiah honored and praised God because He realized that God
"completes" "brings to completion"
His plans as promised. God also fulfills His promises to you. Think of
the prayers He has answered, and
praise Him for His goodness and
Papa has made these doors open and
He will supply all the "heavenly power" that we need to walk in through
them. No longer just to take a look
around but to abide until our assignments are complete. Nothing can
stop or hinder us in this season. Father will "thrust" us forth to accomplish all that He needs "encapsulated" within His "divine vortex" and His
"divine favor" we will wear like a cloak!
Everywhere you turn "favor!" Every person you meet "favor!" Everything
you need "favor!" Embrace your butterfly season, because God will use "you"
in the next person's "butterfly season."
The Kiss of the Butterfly ...
'On top of the mountain … up where the eagle soars lives one of God's
most glorious creations … I'm sure you've seen one before."
'Not like this one though … for each one is unique in color and size … for
each is painted by the Master's touch as seen through His heart and eyes.'
'Blues and greens, reds and golds … hues straight from His palette creat(Continued on page 28)