March 2024 March 2024 | Page 14

14 March 2024 Pamplin Media Group



Event to provide ideas for transitioning wardrobe to spring

What better way to enjoy February than with a Valentine Tea Party while spending quality time with friends . The clubhouse dining room was decorated with tea pots ,
HUBER pink table cloths and doilies on Feb . 12 for our tea party . Pink Prosecco or sparkling cider was served and It ’ s Party Time provided a beautiful display of tea sandwiches , scones and desserts . The question of the day was “ When was your first tea party , where , and who were you with ”? This brought back some fond memories . The beautiful piano music was provided by the “ Dueling Pianos ,” Roger and Nancy White . They played wonderful music and gave us an opportunity to sing along as well .
It ’ s Party Time provided tasty treats at the event .
Patti and Deb enjoying our Valentine Tea Party .
Are you getting ready for spring ? We think about our gardens and maybe getting out for golf or other outside activities , but have you ever given much thought about the transition required for your wardrobe ? On March 11 , “ The Difference ” in Lake Oswego will be with us to provide us some ideas to help us transition our wardrobe from our winter to spring . A lasagna buffet will be catered by The Market Café . The cost is $ 32 for members and $ 37 for non- members .
Since St . Patrick ’ s Day is approaching , I will leave you with an Irish proverb about health , luck and happiness . For each petal on the shamrock , this brings a wish your way . Good health , good luck , and happiness for today and every day . Happy St . Patrick ’ s Day .

Wilsonville Library


Lots to do in March

Hello Wilsonville library fans , They
say March comes in like a lion , and goes out like a lamb . Happily , we here in the library can watch all the
zoological and / or climatological comings and goings through the big picture window in warmth and comfort . Why not join us for a spell — there ’ s lots to do this month ( and every other month too )!
For adults :
All March long you can visit the library and take a gander at the artistic talent on display in our Tiny Art Show Gallery . Your votes will help us pick a tiny winner !
Our fantabulous First Friday Films matinee continues on Friday , March 1 at 3 p . m . March ’ s film is “ Barbie .” Please join us for this no-cost film , with snacks , popcorn , and now … even padded chairs ! No reservations necessary — just show up !
On Saturday , March 2 , at 11 a . m ., please attend our free Space Talk : SpaceX ’ s Game Changing Starship . Elon Musk and SpaceX are continuing to innovate rocket development at a never-before-seen pace . Their Super Heavy booster rocket , with 33 state-of-the-art Raptor engines , is the most powerful rocket ever built . The Starship second stage will take the largest payloads in history into Earth ’ s orbit , to the Moon and beyond . Find out what makes this completely reusable ,
nearly 400-foot-high rocket system so exciting ! Presented by two experienced docents from the Evergreen Air and Space Museum .
Every Tuesday in March ( the 5th , 12th , 19th , and 26th ) you can meet with a representative from ODHS ( the Oregon Department of Human Services ), who may be able to help you with housing or other social service matters . The representative will be at the library from 10 a . m . to noon , and again after lunch , from 1-3 p . m . No appointments or signups are needed , but please do give us a call on the day , just to double check that the ODHS folks are available .
Also on Mondays and Tuesdays in March , feel free to join us for free informal English classes at the library . We have both a beginning ESL ( from 11 a . m . to 12:30 p . m . on Mondays , the 4th , 11th , 18th and 25th ; and an intermediate ESL class ( from 10 a . m . to noon on Tuesdays , the 5th , 12th , 19th and 26th ). ( Please note the new time for the Intermediate ESL class .) These are English as a Second Language classes , but anyone who would like to improve their English skills may attend . No sign-up necessary – just drop in !
Our fun and free PROFILES lectures will continue on Wednesday , March 6 at 11 a . m . Taught by emeritus professor Bill Thierfelder , this program is titled “ Behind the Throne : Ten First Ladies .” The presentation provides an overview of ten women who were not only the wives of presidents , but who often made significant contributions to the presidency and even the direction of our nation . This impressive and inspiring group — Dolley Madison , Sarah Polk , Abigail Fillmore , Edith Wilson , Eleanor Roosevelt , Jackie Kennedy , Betty Ford , Rosalyn Carter , Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama — illustrates the strength of women often having to navigate difficult political and social waters . Their
stories are truly inspirational . Sign up to receive the Zoom meeting code , but act quickly ! www . wilsonvillelibrary . org / classes .
On Saturday , March 9 from 2-3 p . m ., the library will resound with the funkadelic notes of the ever-popular BookNotes Concert Series ! This time , join well-known musical artists Rhythm Culture and get up and groove to the sounds of reggae infused with blues and jazz ! The programs is free and open to all .
Ever wanted to learn Spanish ? If so , do we have a class for you ! On Thursday , March 18 at 6 p . m ., please join your instructor Carlos Iturrino for the first weekly meeting of our eight-week Beginning Spanish class . The class will introduce active conversation and everyday aspects of the contemporary Spanish-speaking world . You will start to communicate in Spanish and function in a variety of real-life situations ( reading , listening , speaking and writing ). The class will be limited to 15 students , and registration is required . Sign up for the class on our website — act fast !
Also on Thursday , March 18 ( but a bit earlier , at 1 p . m .), budding or experienced genealogists can join a growing group of likeminded folks of all levels from the Wilsonville area to discuss genealogy tips , tricks and research . One of the library ’ s most popular offerings , these discussions are informal in nature and are moderated by Librarian Malia Laughton . New members at any level are always welcome .
On Thursday , March 21 , how about joining us for a refreshing walk in March ’ s going-out-like-alamb weather ? Our high-stepping Walking Book Club departs from the library and journeys all the way to the deepest recesses of Memorial Park ! During the walk we ’ ll talk
See LIBRARY / 19

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