March 2024 March 2024 | Page 13

Book group is on a roll
Pamplin Media Group March 2024 13

Welcome committee to host meet and greet


By MARY FIEWEGER Charbonneau board member
The Charbonneau Country Club Welcome Committee invites all new or ‘ newer ’ residents to Charbonneau ( looking to meet other residents ) to join us from 10-11 a . m . Friday , March 29 in the Activity Center Hazelglade Room . You will hear from Neil Kennedy , community safety coordinator , Communications Committee member Nancy Browning — who will discuss how to maneuver the CCC website so bring your cell phones — the Emergency Preparedness and Public Safety Committee and Joan Vedder from Charbonneau Sunshine Service . Come share how long you have lived in Charbonneau , where you moved from and how you chose Charbonneau . Please share a little about you and what you enjoy doing .
Anne Shevlin , president of the CCC Board of Directors , and Lee Harker , on the CCC Board
This photo was taken at a previous meet and greet .
on Assets , will update you on community news . Join us for homemade pastries and coffee , tea , hot chocolate and door prizes !
The Meet and Greet meetings are held on the last Friday of each month . RSVPs are appreciated . Please contact Mary Fieweger with questions and / or to register at 503-519-4388 or email maryfieweger4 @ gmail . com .
A beautiful setting ? Great conversations ? Enhanced vitality ? New passions ?

Nonfiction Book Club


Book group is on a roll

The February meeting of the Nonfiction Book Group discussed “ 1776 ,” David McCullough ’ s essential classic covering a crucial year in America ’ s fight for independence . George Washington had the role as the general leading the charge , but the book showed his initial inexperience and weakness in battle strategy , as well as his unparalleled strength of determined leadership . You quickly learn that without his ‘ driving force ’ there would be no July 4 Independence Day celebrations .
The book made clear how close America came to losing the war . Nothing was more certain at this time than America ’ s defeat . Soldiers were inexperienced , poorly clothed , inadequately nourished , underpaid and lacking armaments while facing well-equipped , highly disciplined British forces . Washington ’ s troops were being depleted by disease , desertion and death . They were heavily outnumbered .
Yet , the men who fought through those hardships and obstacles and overcame the losses of fellow soldiers and battles , showed their mettle in executing daring maneuvers , harsh river crossings and herculean tasks that were demanded of them on the road to victory . Washington , his officers and the resilient soldiers prevailed . Our group agreed that the book “ 1776 ” belongs as a must-read to better appreciate American history , and the sacrifices others made so that we have a history at all .
The role of our nation ’ s history continues this month as we read and discuss , “ American Sphinx : The Character of Thomas Jefferson .” Known not only as a founding father of our nation , but the author of the Declaration of Independence , Jefferson is a complex , enigmatic figure . Our meeting will be March 4 at 1:30 p . m . in the second floor board room of the Activity Center . We welcome new members to join us for good books and lively discussion .
Find out for yourself at our March Open House where you ’ ll be transported to the Blue Zone of Okinawa , Japan . Get a taste of our celebrated hospitality with Japanese appetizers & refreshments , while touring our community grounds , amenities , and homes .
SATURDAY , MARCH 23rd 11:00AM-2:00PM
Join us as we celebrate Japanese culture ! Enjoy a beautiful Japanese art display and learn about the lifestyle practices of some of the world ’ s longest-lived people .
To RSVP , call or email RSVP @ SpringRidgeSeniorLiving . com .
32200 SW French Prairie Road , Wilsonville SpringRidgeAtCharbonneau . com • 503.694.9738
An SRG Senior Living Community