SUGAR VALLEY RURAL CHARTER SCHOOL NEWS 570-725-7822 • www . svrcs . org
MAP Testing for Growth
As we reach the midpoint of the school year , parents are looking to see the academic progress that their child is making . Growth is the word everyone is hoping to see . With the new testing process called MAP ( Measures of Academic Progress ), students at SVRCS have been able to achieve just that .
A MAP assessment measures a student ’ s proficiency in math , literacy , and science against the student ’ s academic level . Scores depend on two things : how many questions are answered correctly and the difficulty of each question . Using MAP Growth as part of a comprehensive and balanced assessment plan , teachers can tailor instruction to challenge every student , whether they are below , at , or above grade level . MAP Growth student reports also present realistic learning goals by subject areas so that , through a teacher ’ s guidance , students can see their progress and be inspired to take charge of their own learning .
At SVRCS , every student goes through a MAP test three times a year ; fall , winter , and spring . The fall test creates a baseline for the year and an opportunity for students to set their personal goals at their academic level . At the end of the test the student receives a score , for example 125 . When it is time to take the test again in January , the program takes what they have projected to have been learning thus far in these subjects so they can set their goals higher . Students want to see the number go up from that original number , and again , when they continue testing in March . These immediate results will help the student account for their goals and be able to see their progress as the year goes on .
MAP testing does not take the place of the Pennsylvania standardized tests , PSSA , and Keystone Exam , which still need to be taken each year by Pennsylvania law . Standardized testing results are returned weeks later and are based on grade level expectations .
By recognizing the unique qualities of individual students , we allow for all children to achieve success . That is what makes MAP Tested such a powerful tool at SVRCS . Students are able to watch their personal growth and be able to use that as motivation to continue to excel at their level of learning . We all want to see our children learn and grow - MAP is a way to demonstrate that growth .
Photo : The Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools teamed up with the American Heart Association on February 14th for a day of Going Red . SVRCS participated to show support and raise awareness of cardiovascular disease and stroke .
6 -- “ Good News ” -- March -- www . bearcountrygoodnews . com
The SVRCS students and staff wish Gavin Morris well as he battles through his difficult medical journey .