19. I started a new tournament. I first entered a player as unrated and made the pairing. He
was awarded a bye. Then deleted the first round, modified the player with a different rating,
sorted, saved and made the pairing. In spite of the player having a rating, it still showed him
as a bye (there are a few unrated players).
You sorted the players clicking the "Rtg. FIDE" header in the page ‘Players’. That does not really
affect the order of the player but only how they are displayed on the screen. The correct procedure
to assign the new ID to the players is from menu Extras / Regenerate pairing number and then
performing the pairing.
20. How to insert a RATED non-standard result like ½ - 0 or 0 – ½.
This is easily made with the NON standard result button
that prompts the following
Rated non
standard result
The first three results (without ‘U’ - Unrated) are the rated ones. The remaining results with ‘U’ are
the unrated ones.
21. Can I realize a pairing forcing one or two pairs?
Yes, of course. First make unavailable the players you want to pair as you wish. Then make the
automatic pairing. In it the unavailable players will be of course absent. Now make the previous
players available. Choose manual pairing and add those players in the wanted pairs.
22. How does Vega calculate the Average Rating of Opponents for tie-break? Does it take in
account unrated players and give just 0 for them?
Vega uses the player's rating for pairing purposes as described on page 7. If the player is both FIDE
and national unrated then for pairing (and tie-break) purpose 0 is used. In this case the ARO is not a
good tie-break (better the ARO cut 1). Moreover, the arbiter should set the rating at some
reasonable minimum to let the Swiss system based on rating work properly.
23. I would like to import a document in Word but the .qtf files are difficult to handle.
The .qtf file made by Vega are already automatically showed by Vega in the Output tab page. If
you want to import in Word just select the text you like in Vega and copy and paste in Word.
24. The FIDE unrated player entered the tournament with rating 0. This made the ARO
calculation not reliable.
It is responsibility of the arbiter to set a suitable rating to a player for pairing purpose. You may set
in the National Rating field his national rating and it will be used for pairing and ARO tie-break
25. I set five tie-break criteria but Vega shows only three.