Manual de Vega Chess 2016 | Page 45

The standing obtained via the button offers an elegant print-out but is limited to three tiebreak criteria . If you need to show all use the option that shows the standing in a text file .
26 . I run Windows 7 as user . I created a tournament in the installation directory and JaVaFo ( Swiss Dutch system ) doesn ’ t give me the pairing . It is normal . Create the folder tournament OUT of that directory , like in c :\ myTournaments . Moreover if the problem continues , enter your system as administrator , right click the Vega . exe file and set its property to run always as administrator . This is due to Java ( JRE ) not having the permission to write the output to the Program folder .
27 . How to print the results of previous rounds ? In page " Round Manager " select the round you desire and then press the print pairing button .
28 . How to modify the player card to put on the table ? The cards are generated using a template file in qtf format in the folder badgetemplate . Those files can be changed and new cards can be created . Use the built in editor ( icon [ W ] in the output page ) to open it and save .
29 . In a big tournament it would be very nice to print a pairing file in which the players are sorted alphabetically
That file is already present . At round X it is named SortedPairsX . txt . You can load it in the Output page by clicking the yellow folder .
30 . In 9 round Swiss tournament 16 players was playing in 8 boards . In round 4 three players didn ' t came and the tournament arbiter entered result as 1F-0F . Lets assume the player who came was ' A ' and player who didn ' t came was ' B '. The result was player ' A ' got a point . Again in 6 round player ' A ' was paired with player ' B ' !!!?, and this time also ' B ' was absent . This led to taking away the chance of player ' A ' to actually score a point from a good player . And this was repeated again in 9 round for the third time !!!!!. It was very bizarre and no fairness for the Player ' A '. What was the actual reason for the Bizarre out come ? Is it due to choosing 1F-0F instead of 1-0 , or a software bug ? Can u please clarify this issue in detail .
That behavior is quite normal and a rule for FIDE competition see D . 2 of this document http :// www . fide . com / fide / handbook . html ? id = 84 & view = article This is because it was an unplayed game and that players never played each other . The behavior looked bizarre just because you had few players and many unplayed games . In normal circumstances no such things happen .
31 . How to interpret the file that appears by pressing the verbose button in conjunction with the Dutch Swiss system ?
That file is a sort of check list useful to check the pairing made by the javafo engine . This is a typical output with a legend :