they are not counted . Any game where both players have made at least one move will be rated ."
The case ( c ) appears when the player loses without performing the first move ( for example when a mobile telephone produces a noise ). The result appears on the cross table but does not produce rating variation . In this case the arbiter needs to insert an unrated result using the NON standard
result button . The unrated results are those with “ U ”. See also question 20 .
16 . In a round robin tournament a player withdrew before playing 50 % of the games . How to delete all his games and ignore them during the calculation of the Sonneborn-Berger tiebreak ? Set the player status flag to the red [ X ].
17 . I have noticed that Vega does not operate correctly when the folder pathname contains non-standard characters . This has been fixed with version 6 . Vega had problems when the pathname of the tournament folder contained accented characters , space or sign as ° ç @#€%&. Anyway , I suggest using only standard characters ( no accent ) to make possible moving the file onto different operating systems and not produce problem to the generated web site .
18 . I got the following message . What I have to do and what does it mean ?
An experienced arbiter knows that in special cases the pairing cannot be done in a reasonable time due to the great amount of transpositions and / or exchanges to be performed . In some cases this task can be challenging even for a computer , in that it may need several hours to get the wanted pairing and not just any pairing . As an example , try running a 10 round tournament with 20 players and at each round assigni a draw to every game . Try this with several programs , even FIDE endorsed ones , and observe the results and their correctness , which we found very questionable .
JaVaFo is able to recognise the difficult cases and when one is met it stops the calculations and displays the following message :
The user may try a manual pairing by pressing button A ( not recommended ). If the user has time ( hours or days ) he can try button B . Otherwise the user may try the button C that uses an alternative algorithm much faster and able to get the same result of the slower one . If the option C produces a message “ The pairing is impossible ” it is useless to try option B .
During a tournament the suggested order is : Option C and then option A . If the user tries the option B he may stop the “ java ” process by pressing the key combination CTRL + ALT + CANC or shutdown the computer in case it does not respond .