Manual de Vega Chess 2016 | Page 42

10. How do I use the registration code? I do not see where I can enter the serial number. Just save the registration file I sent you by email in the same directory of the executable (where the program has been installed). That’s all. 11. Can I run the registered version on both my desktop and notebook? Yes of course. You can run it on any number of computers. It is only required that in a real tournament with more than 30 players the organizer or at least one of the arbiters has a valid registration. 12. Do you accept suggestions? I need this feature... Yes, please let me know your request. I will implement it for free if it is of general use. I want to filter all requests to maintain the program easy to use and very intuitive. If you like programs with million options and not intuitive interface there are around many good softwares for you. 13. The version 5.5 is not able to read tournaments created by a previous version. This is expected. The 5.5 version has a new VEG format (one file instead of two) and there is no backward compatibility with the previous version. 14. Which Swiss system should I use for my tournament? Here is short table showing the main features of the systems implemented in Vega: System Dubov Dutch Lim USCF Vega Feature It tries to treat each player in the same way: In the same score group all players should have the same performance. If all are treated in the same way the stronger player should make more points to win the tournament. The player that plays on the first board it is not automatically favored in case of tie-break The priority is the rating. The player with a higher rating will face stronger opponents and in the case of a tie-break it has some advantage. It is the most popular pairing system. The priority is the color. The player with a higher rating will face stronger opponents and in the case of a tiebreak it has some advantage. The priority is the rating. Two arbiters could produce different pairing but equally legal. It uses the Buchholz for pairing. Preferable if There are many rounds (greater than 7) and the rating of the players differ by less than 200300 Elo points. To avoid if The rounds are less than 8 or the rating of players differ by more than 200300 Elo points. There are few rounds and the color assignment is not important. There are few rounds and the color assignment is important. There are few rounds and the color assignment is of no concern. The players have no rating The players have no or if it is more or less the rating or it is distributed same. over a small interval. 15. How to set the result of an unrated game in Vega? Before 2009 for the FIDE a game could be considered in two ways: (a) played and rated; (b) unplayed and unrated. Since July 2009 a new possibility appeared and a game could be considered (c) played but unrated. B.04.5.1 (Unplayed games). "Whether these occur because of forfeiture or any other reason, 42