Manual de Vega Chess 2016 | Page 41

Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. May I have the source code? No, sorry... maybe in future. 2. Can I exchange the colors of a pair? Yes, of course. Just double click on the table that shows the pairing. 3. Why is the Linux version freeware? I’m very indebted with the Linux community and this is a way to give something back. From other side Vega born under Linux. The cost of maintaining the code and provide the upgrades are covered by the Windows version most used by professional arbiter. 4. What I have to do if my tournament is made by many sections. It seems Vega can administer only one section. Not at all! You can administer simultaneously how many sections you want... of course depending upon the memory capability of your computer. Vega can manage one section but you can run many sessions of the program at the same time