Manual de Vega Chess 2016 | Page 27

the first round) and return to the Round Manager page, waiting for a command. 2.11.2 Export Data The File → Export function is useful when the user wants to extract the personal data of the players to be used in other tournaments. There are three possibilities: Export → All Players, Export → Tournament, and Export → Selected Player. i) Export → All Players: With this option, the data for every player is exported to a text file. The format of the file, called Vega format, is very simple and can be managed by any spreadsheet or text editor. It consists of a first row with the name of the fields followed by the data for each player in subsequent rows separated by a comma. Below shows the first 7 lines of a typical file: NAME;COUNTRY;BIRTHDAY;GENDER;TITLE;IDFIDE;ELOFIDE;IDNAT;ELONAT;KCOEFF KASPAROV GARRY ; RU;13.04.63;m;IGM; 4100018; 2830; 0; 0; 0 KARPOV ANATOLY ; RU;23.05.51;m;IGM; 4100026; 2693; 0; 0; 0 GAVRIKOV VIKTOR ; LT;29.07.57;m;IGM;12801747; 2570; 0; 0; 0 KUPREICHIK VIKTOR D; BL;03.07.49;m;IGM;13500066; 2501; 0; 0; 0 KUPOROSOV VIKTOR ; RU;26.09.61;m; IM; 4100999; 2470; 0; 0; 0 KRASNOV VIKTOR A. ; RU;24.09.50;m; NC; 4161319; 2444; 0; 0; 0 ... The maximum length of each field is the following: - NAME: 30 characters; - COUNTRY: 3 characters; - BIRTHDAY: date in the format or ddmmyyyy (8 characters); - GENDER: 1 character (m or f). - TITLE: 3 characters; - ID FIDE: 8 characters - ELOFIDE: 4 digits; - ID NAT: 8 characters; - ELONAT: 4 digits; - KCOEFF: 2 digits; - ORIGIN: 20 characters. The players in this archive can be loaded later as described in section 2.11.3. ii) Export → Tournament. This option is useful in tournaments with many sections. In this situation it is best to have one large tournament, then extract the data for each section, selecting the rating range for each of them (see below): The user can select players by their national rating, FIDE rating, or both. In any case, each section should be exported to its own directory (folder) -do not mix the sections in the same directory. The exported players are not removed from the current large tournament. iii) Export → Selected Player: This option is useful when the user wants to move a player from one section to another (note that the player is not removed from the current section). The user should select the player to be moved from the current section and then select the VEG file of the destination section. This VEG file must not be in use by a running Vega session, otherwise the 27