Vega will assign it automatically when the user presses the Done button. Only in the first round will
Vega accept colors entered by the user.
NOTE: it is recommended that the user has a clear idea about which pairs he wants to add
and write down them on paper before proceeding. The user can change the order of the pair
or assign a table to a particular pair by selecting the pair and then pressing the keys
CTRL+’Up’ or CTRL+’Down’.
If the user just wants to check the legality of a pair, he should press the Verify Pair button. To
remove an inserted pair the user must press the Remove Pair button.
The button Save Pairing will write the currently inserted pairings to a file specified by the user.
This is useful if there are many pairs to insert and the work cannot be completed in one session.
The function Load Pairing allows loading of pairings previously saved. Please note that Vega will
not check the validity of the pairing loaded in this way. However, the user should be very careful
with this option and they are advised to load only pairings saved by Vega itself.
During the entry, Vega shows the number of the remaining players to be inserted and the number of
pairs already inserted.
In some cases the user might find it useful to load the pairing produced by Vega after pressing the
Automatic button (see section 2.4). To obtain a preliminary pairing by Vega, the user should press
the Automatic button and then delete the round generated. Afterwards, the user will find the file
*.man corresponding to the current round.
NOTE: the BYE (ID = 0) can be assigned manually in the same pairing as many times as the
user wants.
When entry is finished, the user should click Done. Vega will correctly assign the colors (except in