modification will be lost.
2.11.3 Importing players from a text database
Vega can import players from any formatted text database by using the database tabbed pages in the
lower part of the window. The user can defines up to three different databases and work with them
The wanted database is chosen with the option Set DB.
Vega offers the option to choose from a list of pre-defined databases, or a custom database either of
a format with fixed-length fields or of a generic CSV (Comma Separated Variable) type format.
The pre-defined databases do not need a data filter (it is automatically loaded). However, the
custom databases require a filter to inform Vega which fields to import and where they are. This is
done by pressing the Set Filter button.
Vega comes with the filter fide.flt to help import FIDE data and this filter is loaded
automatically. By clicking Done, the filter becomes active. The user can retrieve players from
different FIDE databases all in text format. The correspondence among databases, type of rating to
be loaded from each DB and menu item is shown in the next picture.