Manual de Vega Chess 2016 | Page 10

The implementation of the Bucholz and Sonneborn Berger system with respect to unplayed games is described in Appendix I. Moreover, it is possible to exclude from the tie-break calculation any pre-arranged draw/bye (sometimes referred to as “draw to forfeit”) by checking/unchecking the option “Do not consider Bye Drawer for tie-break”. (This is the default.) Another way to prevent the pre-arranged halfpoint byes being considered is to use as first tie-break the one called “Most paired”. This considers only games in which the players were actually paired (including paired against BYE). 2.2 Registering Players After creating a new tournament, the user must enter player information in the Players Archive page. Players are entered clicking Add Player and filling out the fields in the Registered Player area. (It is also possible to enter players by importing them singly or in groups from a pre-existing database – see Section 2.11.3.) To accept the data the user needs to perform a mouse left click outside the inserted record (the red box in the above picture) or press the key ENTER. While the registration remains unclosed, the selected player can be moved up and down using CTRL + Up and CTRL + Down. To print the player list just click on Extras → Print registered players. The information to be supplied during registration is: Name: Last and first name for a total of 30 characters. NOTE: Only the Name field is mandatory for adding a player. Fed: Three characters for the Federation of the player. For FIDE tournaments enter the exact FIDE code, otherwise Vega will not calculate the resulting FIDE norm correctly. Birth date:10 characters (actually it is a string and no preventive control is performed. See Section 2.8 for more details). The user must enter the date of birth in a consistent way with the rating report. Gender: Choose between ‘m’ale and ‘f’emale (default = ‘m’). Title: Choose one of the listed category. The FIDE titles are: GM, WGM, IM, WIM, FM, WFM, CM, WCM. Instead the national categories are: M (master), CN (candidate master), A=1N, B=2N, C=3N, D, E. The player without a title/category is denoted by NC or --. ID FIDE: FIDE code in 8 digit format (default = 0). Rtg FIDE: Current FIDE rating of the player (default = 0). K FIDE: Coefficient for FIDE rating calculations. It is permissible to retain the default value (0) for K. However, FIDE values are: K = 40 for a player new to the rating list until he has completed events with at least 30 games 10