K = 20 as long as a player ' s rating remains under 2400 . K = 10 once a player ' s published rating has reached 2400 and remains at that level subsequently , even if the rating drops below 2400 . K = 40 for all players until their 18th birthday , as long as their rating remains under 2300 . K = 20 for RAPID and BLITZ ratings for all players . The formula used to calculate the rating variation is given in Section 2.10 .
ID Nat : Player national code in 8 digit format ( default = 0 ). Rtg Nat : Current national rating of the player ( default = 0 ).
K Nat : Coefficient for national rating calculations ( default = the last inserted value ). Vega can be modified in order to meet specific requests from other Federations . In this case please contact the author .
Origin : supplementary field that can contain the player ’ s region , state , province , club name ... In some tournaments this field can be used to get a standing by team ( see section 2.7 ).
Status : A player at a given round can be in one of three possible states : Paired , “ white ” color , the player is available to play this round ; Not Paired / Withdrawn , “ red ” color - the player is not available for this round ; Byed , “ yellow ” color - the player has a prearranged draw / BYE . The status for the remaining rounds can be changed at any time by a right click on the player name
and then selecting Set player Status . A new window will open to set status for the remaining rounds .
To remove the player from the remaining rounds press the button Withdraw player . To accept the settings press button Done .
It is possible to inquire the history status of all players via the menu item Extra / Show players status . Moreover Vega shows a summary towards the bottom of the Player