Manual de Vega Chess 2016 | Page 9

In the page Tie Breaks the user can choose among different tie-breaks. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Buccholz Cut 1 is the Bucholz score reduced by the worst opponent score Buccholz Total is the Bucholz (sum of opponents) score Bucholz Median is the Bucholz score reduced by the best and worst opponents scores Sonneborn-Berger is the sum of defeated opponents scores plus half the sum of opponents score with whom the player has drawn Cumulative is the sum of progressive scores Average Rating Opp. is the average Elo rating of opponents Koya: is the sum of points obtained against opponents who have scored at least 50%, Most Wins Av. Per. Rat. Opp. is the average performance rating of opponents. Av. Rat. Opp. Cut 1 is the average Elo rating of opponents after discounting the worst rated opponent. Direct Encounter: Results of direct encounters between the tied players (applies only if all tied players have played each other) Most Paired: counts only the games for which the player was actually paired, including byes, but ignoring any drawn ‘forfeits’. Standard Score (1-1/2-0): The score is determined assigning 1 point for win and ½ point for draw. This tie break is useful if another score system is used (for example 3-1-0). Buchholz Cut 2: is the Bucholz score reduced by the two worst opponents scores. Most Blacks: counts the games played with Black pieces. Torino. User Tie Break: manual tiebreak How to set User Tie Break: 1) select it in the tie break list in any order you like; 2) to set its value the user should click the item menu Standing/Set User TB A new panel will prompt the user for the values (formt xxxx.x). The values are saved in the file usertb.txt. In order to update the standing click Update Cross Table button in round manager page . 3) For all successive rounds Vega will use always the same values. If the user wants to update them then go to step 2). 9