Manual de HIARCS Chess Explorer 2016 | Page 27

Here we can see the HIARCS Tournament book offers the interesting move 13...Nc4! The multiple sources of the Opening Explorer can be used in many ways to help you analyse games, positions and openings. I hope this section has helped give you some ideas on how it can be used. Finding games There are many ways in HIARCS Chess Explorer to find games in an open database: · · · · · Select the Search header toolbar icon or Search->Header menu item to access the Search header dialog to search the database for games matching game header criteria, e.g. players, event, rating, dates etc, etc. Please see the Search header section for more details. Open the Game Explorer pane and use the Quick search field for fast searching. Open the Opening Explorer and use the Source: Database and Show games button to show all games matching the current poition Open the Player Explorer and find games of a particular player Use the Search->Position menu item to open the Search for position dialog to find the games containing a position you are interested in. When you first open a database the current filter is set to the whole database. When you search for games the result is normally a subset of the games and this subset is the current game filter. Every time you search for games it creates a new filter of games. Using the Header search it is possible to add to the current filter of games. Finding players You can find a player in the open database as follows: · If you have a game open in the Game Notation pane with the player you are interested in you can click the player name to access the Player information with games, performances and favourite openings etc. · Open the Player Explorer dialog and search for the player you are interested in. Configuring the program You can configure HIARCS Explorer using the Preferences dialog. This can be accessed by clicking the preferences toolbar icon or from the Edit->Preferences menu item. Add a new chess engine You can add additional UCI chess engines to HIARCS Chess Explorer using the Preferences->Engine tab 27 / 92