Finally we reach the position after 11.O-O-O Nb6 12.Qf2 Nfd7 13.Kb1 where the local opening book does
not even consider the move 13...g6 played in the game and offers two alternative moves. So we should
check this out as the local opening book contains established GM theory so we can conclude that 13...g6
has only been played once in GM practice and that was in this game!
Let's consult the Online GM+ book for more information and possible moves:
Indeed the Online GM+ book indicates 13...g6?! is dubious. We can also see that the Online GM+ book is
recommending the move 13...Rc8 and the statistics look reasonable for this move for Black. We could now
prepare this line further but this is beyond the scope of this manual. You can see how the multiple sources
of information can be used to help prepare your openings.
Finally for HIARCS book subscribers you can access the World's strongest opening book directly from
within HIARCS Chess Explorer. Once you have entered your book license in the Preferences->Advanced
tab. Select the Source: Tournament book and you will see the moves from the HIARCS Tournament book
in Opening Explorer:
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