Manual de HIARCS Chess Explorer 2016 | Page 28

Copy and paste game or positions You can copy and paste Games and Positions between chess software using the Copy and Paste submenus of the Edit menu. To copy a game in the current tab, use the Edit->Copy->Game menu item, the game is then copied to the clipboard. If you are copying from another chess software application please consult the manual/help for that application on how to copy a game in PGN format. To paste a game from the clipboard, use the Edit->Paste->Game menu item. A position can be copied and pasted in the same way using the Edit->Copy->Position and Edit->Paste>Position menu items. Positions are copied in FEN format. For more details please see the Edit menu section. Merge game One of the unique and powerful features of HIARCS Chess Explorer is the Merge game feature. You can access Merge game from the Edit->Paste->Merge with current game menu item This feature allows you to paste a game from the clipboard into the current game, merging the two games together. This enables you to analyse a game in multiple database contexts or even in other chess software and merge your work at the end into one single game in HIARCS Chess Explorer. This allows you to collate all your analysis from multiple sources into one game within the Game Notation. This is also useful if someone else does some analysis for you and sends you the game you can easily merge the game with your own work. Copy filter and database games HIARCS Chess Explorer allows you to copy all the games in the current filter or even the whole database of games to another database in a very simple manner. First ensure you open the database you want to copy the games from and the database you wish to copy the games to. Go into the tab of the database you wish to copy from. If you want to set a filter of games to copy you can do that in the normal way using the search and filter capabilities. To copy and paste the games in one operation select the Edit->Copy->Games... menu item and you can then copy either a single game, the current filter of games or the whole database into another database in one operation. Printing games HIARCS Chess Explorer can print single or multiple games including commentary, variations and chess diagrams. File->Print submenu Any loaded game can be printed simply by selecting the File->Print->Current game menu item. The game can be printed directly to a printer or to a file. You can set diagrams at any point in the game notation and the diagrams will be printed at that point in the 28 / 92