Future Charlotte Anderson Preparatory Academy Pre-K and kindergarteners signed letters of intent to attend CAPA during the district ’ s recent Pre-K and Kindergarten Roundup .
The Summit High School Key Club recently attended the Kiwanis Key Club Leadership Convention in Dallas , where club officers received several awards . Congratulations to these students : Tiffany Lam - Distinguished Editor award and impromptu essay contest winner ; Caia Hernandez , Quiz Bowl team winner for Team Texas . Additionally , the Summit High School chapter won the Most Improved Club award . Dr . Dahlia Berwise is the club ’ s faculty advisor .
Javier Betancourt , a fifth-grader at Della Icenhower Intermediate , has read 101 novels this school year , earning him an incredible 1,153 Accelerated Reader points . Javier ’ s love of reading has inspired other Icenhower students to step up their reading game .
Brooks Wester Middle School student Samuil Kisel took home third place in state after entering the Bee in a Box , a historical competition . Through Bee in a Box , students are tested on their knowledge of civics and American history . Laci Huggins sponsors the student club that participates in the competition .
Ninth-grader Lewis Reid at Frontier STEM Academy won third place in Letters for Literature Texas for his letter to poet Amanda Gorman . This competition was open to all 9-12 graders in the state of Texas . The annual competition invites students to write letters to authors — living or dead — about how that writer ’ s words affected them or changed their worldview .
Special education program students and their families enjoyed the annual Friendship Ball held at the Dr . Jim Vaszauskas Center for the Performing Arts . Attendees were greeted by high school choir students dressed as Disney characters and enjoyed food and dancing .