I never retried for the class and the agency never called In quick succession the ideas came pouring in — my
me back either. I guess we both knew that wasn't where own magazine huh! But what will I call it? Umm...
I really wanted to be. It would've just been just a means
to an end.
Manmay LaKay, yeah Manmay LaKay Magazine?! Yes
Manmay LaKay Magazine! The name Manmay LaKay
came and has never left. For days and nights the
For the first time in my adult life I was dependent on
others for food and shelter. Albeit one of the most trying
thought hounded and consumed me and the more I
thought and talked about it the more excited I became
years of my life, it was also the most enlightening, about the prospect of having my own magazine. So
discerning and most teachable too. Among them now in addition to helping me out, my poor sisters were
the true meaning of humility.
became my sounding board also.
One November night while laying in So I started writing — from the Editors
bed wide awake, a seed was planted Note to my Biography to columns and
in my heart. I had a birthday on the
contributors, stories and ideas —
horizon and the feelings of failure and saving them on to a USB drive. Then
pangs of disappointment weighed on one day the USB just decided to get
my heart.
corrupted, my computer later died--I
had lost everything. I was devastated.
The challenges of life were weighing
heavily on my mind and sleep had
evaded me again. Then suddenly a
In the ensuing days I mastered the
strength to get over it and begin
thought, an idea invaded my
consciousness, drowning out the
"One November night while
stupor of self-doubt and self-pity.
laying in bed wide awake, a
“If lack of experience is one of the reasons you
haven't landed a job in your preferred field of
Journalism and no one is willing to give you the
experience, why don’t you cultivate your own,
Duh! DING and BOOM! There it was.
seed was planted in my heart. I
had a birthday on the horizon
and the feelings of failure and
pangs of disappointment
weighed on my heart."
DING and BOOM! There it was. A seed was
planted in my heart.