Under other circumstances I perhaps would've I purchased a scratch off ticket for $1 and folks I kid you
just shrugged it off and say, 'eh things not, I won $40! Omg! INSANE right!
happen'. But my circumstances at the time
added to my disappointment. Here's why... I took to social media! April 13, 2013
First off I had little to no money and had just “They say every disappointment is a blessing... Anyway,
used the little that I had left on gas — and this morning I drove allllllllll the way to Coral Springs to
class is cancelled?! Anyhow I decided that one take a CPR class only to find out it was cancelled upon
way or another I will recoup my gas money. But arrival. Because I was soooo disappointed I decided to
how? Ahhh I know, a scratch off ticket! When purchase a scratch off ticket for 1 buck to get my gas
we got to Ft.Lauderdale, I drove past that money back almost $40.00. Guess what! I won a mil I
right turn to my home and headed to my mean $40 bucks lol! Always follow your intuition!! :-)"
neighborhood Publix to purchase the ticket
that would reimburse my $40. Well so I hoped.
(don't judge me :)
But I digress.