Manmay LaKay Magazine Debut Issue | Page 94

Genesis of Manmay LaKay Magazine

November 2013 2:30am experience as a full time live-in nanny with this one family .
" I F L A C K O F E X P E R I E N C E I S K E E P I N G Y O U F R O M L A N D I N G A J O B , W H Y D O N T Y O U C U L T I V A T E Y O U R O W N M O N I C A ? "
One August morning in 2012 I strut across the stage at Florida Atlantic University to collect my diploma . It was after 4 years of being there and 18 years since leaving the walls of Micoud Secondary School . I had recently completed my undergrad with dual degrees in Psychology and Journalism with a minor in Sociology .
My expectations of landing a job were high — after all , I had two degrees and a not too shabby GPA — 3.4 . But , much to my dismay the job offers were just not pouring in . In fact they were not forthcoming at all .
For many months after graduating I was still jobless and my daily routine involved tailoring my resume to fit the jobs for which I was applying , placing them on job boards and responding to job ads .
By November of that same year , my bank account had completely depleted and I no longer had access to student loans to live off of . All I now had were two diplomas and hefty student loan debt . Oh and 8 years
I also had one years experience working with my school newspaper — University Press ( UP ).
That should count for something right ?
The jobs that I was seeking seemed beyond my reach and I needed money to survive . So , I decided that I would go back to familiar territory — babysitting . After all that ' s where I have experience .
My cousin had recently gotten a job through an agency and so I decided to register with said agency placing just my 8 year experience as a nanny and my degree in psychology on my resume . That should do it I imagined . All I needed to do now was to take the CPR certification class the agency required . So , one Saturday morning my sister and I hopped into my car , headed to Coral Springs to fulfill that requirement . But first , we needed gas to get there . That would mean dipping into my steadily decreasing bank account but hey you gotta spend some to make some . We stopped at the neighborhood gas station , filled up for $ 37 or $ 39.00 thereabout and went on our merry way .
We then drove about 22 miles to take the class only to find out upon arrival that the class had been cancelled . What ?! With my jaw dropped and my head hung low I disappointingly walked back to my car and headed home . To say I was disappointed is an understatement .